Day 25. Shadow Wire Bird

25 Jan


Today’s Bird-A-Day art was inspired by the shadows being cast across the side of my garage. The beautiful cable wire was just begging for birds. So, I went and defaced the side of my garage for art. Defaced is a bit harsh. Really all I’ve done here – is add a kind of “SUNDIAL” to my garage. I believe “value-added” is the phrase I’m searching for. Desperately. So now every day for about a half hour, these hand-drawn little birds have a wire to sit on. As I see it, this will serve as a reminder to me – everyday –  to finish the remodel of the front of the garage. Yes sir, that’s what I’m going with. Enjoy.

6 Responses to “Day 25. Shadow Wire Bird”

  1. hazelbmcn March 29, 2012 at 6:29 pm #


  2. mkdickerson January 29, 2012 at 12:33 pm #

    That’s nice to hear. Thank you Frances. The shadow wire birds were a impulse reaction to the sun and shadows. Its so funny, but You just never know where inspiration will come from. As you well know Professor. Its so fun to be an artist. Why did I wait so long to started making stuff – every day.

  3. francesy816 January 29, 2012 at 11:10 am #

    i love this one. actually all of them, but this one might be my favorite.

  4. mkdickerson January 25, 2012 at 1:02 pm #

    Thanks man. I hope there appealing but with art every day I have to be efficient. Glad you like.

  5. Gary Dickerson January 25, 2012 at 10:59 am #

    Your creative tasking skills are both effiecient and appealing to look at.


  1. Bird on a wire « RJB Weblog - March 17, 2012

    […] Day 25. Shadow Wire Bird ( […]

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